Saturday, 6 February 2010

Contents - Single Page layout

As I have failed to find any Hip-Hop contents pages that stick to a single page, and as I and my audience would rather a single paged contents, I have to look at layouts from another genre. I am able to create to contents typography and arrange the colour in a conventional Hip-Hop style due to my research on front covers and other Hip-Hop contents pages, so I do not need to look at any of these things. But to create a layout I must take ideas from another genre. The genre I have chosen look at is Indie as Indie contents pages are usually on a single page and very crowded.

I have looked at many Indie contents pages, two of which are above, and I can see that there are no 'set in stone' conventions of layout. However, every example I looked at had page numbers and a small cover line to accompany them, these were always placed in different areas. They all have a list of artists that are featured in the magazine, usually on the left, and they all have one central picture. In some examples, each section or group of features was in its own little box, giving a tidy looking layout and making the page clearer to navigate through. Some of the examples I looked at had a faded date behind the word 'contents' or a large 'this week' banner. I will take these ideas and utilize them into my magazine whilst following Hip-Hop and my own conventions.

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