Saturday, 2 January 2010

Hip-Hop Magazine closer analysis: Masthead

This masthead from ‘Vibe’ magazine is my favorite of them all. I find the strong, bold and smooth typography appealing, eye catching, and fitting to the Hip-Hop genre.
The colours of the Masthead also appeal to me, I like the idea of using a gradient on a masthead. I think the red and black go well together and give the magazine a professional and high-quality edge. This masthead I think would appeal to a young audience as it looks modern and simple, but is designed well.

This masthead from 'The Source' Magazine is the one I like the least. I find the textured look of the typography unappealing and too much like a Rock magazine. The idea of having the 'the' part of the masthead on the left at a vertical position I think is good, but the white border around the edges and the 3D look to the whole thing looks too much like a Rock magazine to me and is unconventional of Hip-Hop mastheads. However I notice that this, like the others, uses the colour red.

This masthead from 'XXL' magazine fits some of the codes and conventions of a Hip-Hop magazine. The font is smooth, strong and bold and the colours are simple. However I dislike this masthead as i find it too simplistic, and i dislike the idea of having a background colour on a Hip-Hop masthead, as to me this seems more like something inspired by an Indie magazine.

I like the colour gradient on the masthead of 'Vibe' and it is something I will use in my own designs.

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